A Network of EU and Ukrainian HEIs
The project maps the displacement of faculty and students from Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to ensure their inclusion and expertise in the project.
A formal network is established between Ukraine and the EU, with a network coordinator at each HEI.
A baseline study is conducted to understand the motives, conditions, and perspectives of academia members regarding their future careers.
A best practice manual is developed for EU HEIs to support and integrate displaced Ukrainian academia, addressing the lack of structural approaches in integrating them into the EU higher education system.
Online lectures and Summer school on academic freedom in conflict
FreeAc aims to identify and bridge war-induced teaching capacity gaps at Ukrainian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) through a needs assessment and gap analysis.
Online lectures are provided by experts from the developed network.
A summer school on academic freedom in conflict is co-designed, discussing the different aspects of freedom of academia in armed conflict and allowing for an informed exchange between Ukrainian displaced academia and EU counterparts.
Strategic outlook and research
Ukrainian researchers will have access to the European academic landscape, allowing them to present their research to other members of academia and the public. This will ensure their voices are heard and synergies in research interest are discovered.
The joint research on the effects of the armed conflict on Ukraine’s academic sector builds on the baseline study conducted and develops a post-war strategic outlook for the higher education system.
The strategic outlook will be discussed at a multi-stakeholder workshop, aiming to align the post-war Ukrainian higher education system with the values of the EHEA.